Wednesday, September 17, 2008


My argument of fact came from and msnbc news it is a short story saying how a Florida judge ruled that a law making saggy pants illegal was unconstitutional. I just found this case very interesting because i see both sides of the argument. I hate saggy pants. I don't mind pants that are baggy and loose fitting but I do not want to see any ones underwear or shorts. Civil rights activists say that the law is profiling young black men. Yes i believe this would acquire but there are also people in every other ethnicity that wear the same style. I think the way around this and the best option would be to change it from a law to a city ordinance. All comments welcome I'm interested in other opinions.


Marissa S said...

Your article kind of makes me laugh! I can't believe that people are actually getting ticketed for saggy pants!! However, I don't really think it is constitutional.

akwilkins said...

Yes this article is pretty funny. It seems pretty unreasonable to arrest a seventeen year old for having baggy jeans. I guess I can see police's concerns that they could be hiding weapons in those pants, but still.

Shane T. said...

Why does the government have any role whatsoever in the clothing people were? I understand if schools enforced a dress code but in public? I don't like saggy pants but I understand the right to wear them. Just because someone doesn't like saggy pants it doesn't mean they should be illegal, that's insensitive and close minded.

whopkins said...

Interesting article, it does seem very funny the government is focusing on this issue when there are plenty out there more imposrtant than this one. It does seem like it would have to be a city ordenance but still I can not imagine people getting tickets for this.