Monday, September 22, 2008

Definition please?

For my argument of definition i picked the song What is Love by Haddaway. The song is currently the ad campain for pepsi max and was basis for the SNL skit and movie A night at the Roxbury with Chris Kitan. I just heard the song and had it stuck in my head an thought it was fitting for this blog post. In the song this question is asked and answered by the things that he is claiming she has done to him. Sorry for the 90's flashback but im a closet SNL nerd.


Xander said...

No need to apologise, the word love has never had a clear definition. Everyone, literally every person on the planet, will define love differently. It was also refreshing to hear that someone used a song in their arguments. I say well done, and very good choice. "What is Love?" I have no clue.

Sara V said...

That's really cool! I've heard that song so many times but never thought of it that way! It really is hard to define love. Good choice!