Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My unit two topic will cover the candidates stances on marijuana decriminalization/legalization. Millions of Americans have experience with this issue because we all know at least one person who has tried marijuana. We are all impacted by this issue because our tax money is funding the "war" on marijuana and other drugs. this topic has been an issue of heated debate since it became overwhelmingly popular in the 60's. politicians, academia and citizens all talk about this issue. candidates personal records about the issue plus govt records on facts and statistics would all provide primary sources in this topic.


Sara V said...

I think this is a really interesting topic and that you'll be able to find a lot of good information about it. It's shocking how much money is spent on busting people for having marijuana. I look forward to seeing what all information you find.

Shane T. said...

This is a great topic. I'm pretty interested in how my money is being spent to stop marijuana, and how it compares to what is spent to stop other drugs. There are probably so many special interest groups that have comments on this issue so information should be easy to find.
Good luck.