Wednesday, October 1, 2008

For my humorous argument of my own i drew a political cartoon questioning how and why we elect public officials the way we do. what qualifications do we look for? I think it is pretty funny yet sadly true. You will see in class.


Lindsay B said...

Good job on your humorous argument. It was a really good idea and drawn out well. I was clearly able to understand your point. The suggestion I would have is to switch the picture around. Because people read left to right, I think it would be more effective. That way people would read the speech bubble first and then follow the path. Nice job.

Sebastilover said...

I like your point, and your picture is cohesive. The only thing that you might want to change is making the dialogue boxes a little more clearer. I took me a little bit longer to look at what they were saying in what order and it may take away from your argument. Maybe you could have each question and answer in separate clouds next to each other with the proceeding question and answers in clouds bellow the first two.

Noelle said...

I really liked your argument, and how it's obvious why the one person is rejected. You may want to add more people who are rejected, such as the idea of the ordinary citizen. But the only thing you may want to consider is morals. That is an argument of definition, because people may have their own set of "morals". They may not be Biblical but they do have their own ideas of what they will and won't do, so you may need to clarify that.

Xander said...

This was a very good idea and layout for a cartoon. I also liked the follow-through and consistancy. My only suggestion would be to seperate the speech bubbles. It was a little confusing to read. Good way of examining the corruptness of the American political system.

David F said...

I found your topic for a humorous argument a new idea, that I have never really thought of before. I like the whole premise of politicians losing their morals for a cartoon. It was a little confusing, my only suggestion is to add some words and give the audience a little more guidance about what the cartoon is about. Other than that it was great.

Sara V said...

I thought this was a great argument! I would definitely suggest you split up the word bubbles though to make it clear that the candidate is answering the questions. It took me a while to figure out that he was answering the questions because it looks like he is saying, "Harvard. Not a problem. NO!" so that was confusing. But other than that I think you did a great job!

Elsa Dithmer said...

I really liked your idea and your drawing was well done. I think it would be a bit more affective if your argument was better stated and you showed more how the people are reacting. The dialouge may help with this if you move it around. Other then that it was very good idea!

Tommyboy said...

I thought this was a good arguement overall. The picture helped display what you were arguing and drew pretty much everything together. The only problem i saw was with the dialogue boxes. Just try to make them a little more clearer and you should be set.

whopkins said...

Great job! It was very well drawn and it was clear. I would just say make the text a little clearer and maybe seperate the speech bubbles. Have them in order like have the guy letting people in's bubble on top then the person trying to get in under that, then the final bubble right under that. That seems like what they do in cartoons. But besides that, super job.

Marissa S said...

I loved your point and you were very effective in proving that Americans are losing their morals when in elections and politics in general. You make your point very clear especially in saying that politics only care about money and education now a days. Maybe you could make your a point a little bit more clear by having a couple more speaking bubbles and letting the audience see your thoughts a little more.

Shannon S said...

At first glance I wasn't sure that the Politician and the other man were having a conversation - maybe separating their 3 different questions and answers would make it more clear? Aside from that little detail I liked what you were trying to say.

akwilkins said...

Justin, I think you did a good job with your cartoon. A few suggestions I have would be to make it more clear what the answers are to the questions in the cartoon, maybe make separate dialogue bubbles for them.

craig kocay said...

Extremely powerful message. Made me feel guilty. I think having Jesus in the rejected section. I really agree with what you are saying. I wish that more people thought the way you do.

Courtney A said...

It was a good idea but the argument isn't quite clear to me. I wouldn't have know entirely what it was about without your background information. I like the idea and the set up alot. Maybe it could show the type of person that would be rejected a little clearer. Good job!

AlleOsborne said...

Separating the speech bubbles would help out tremendously, that was the only part of the cartoon that confused me. It's a sad but true article that is a good one though.

Lindsay B said...

Nice job. I think your point was clear and creative. The only thing that would help is to make the speech bubbles a little more clear. It was funny and well done though.